April Product Update

ARI Recruiting is excited to announce another round of new and improved features for our users, including updates to the skill log and preparation for upcoming integrations, based on feedback from our ARI Recruiting family! ⚾️ SKILL LOG UPDATES πŸ₯Ž We’ve made a big update to the way skill logs display for athletes, by only...

Read Across America Day: ARI Recruiting Book Sugge...

In honor of Read Across America, a few of our coaches and the staff at ARI Recruiting compiled a list of favorite reads to share with our followers. Get out to your local independent bookstore or library and pick some up for your own shelves or ‘to-read’ stacks. Sports FavoritesBelichick The Making of the Greatest...

February Product Update

ARI Recruiting is excited to announce a large batch of new features and feature updates for users, including a handful of features and updates based directly on feedback from our ARI Recruiting family! 🎾 CHANGES TO GROUPS/TAGS 🎾 All manual groups have been transitioned into auto groups through the creation of tags (please reach out...

December Product Update

πŸš€ December Release πŸš€ We have an action-packed release full of updates and new features in Athlete Profiles, Email, Exports, Groups and Roster Grid. Plus, updates for our Slate Integration between admissions and athletics! 🏐 ATHLETE PROFILE 🏐 Skill log titles have been redesigned to make it easier to hover over a title and see...

November Product Update

πŸš€ November Release πŸš€ We have an action-packed release full of updates and new features in Athlete Profiles, Email, Exports, Groups and Roster Grid. Plus, some updates for Esports, Swimming, Diving and more! πŸ€ ATHLETE PROFILE πŸ€ Automatic activity logging for questionnaires and failed emails Redesign of activities to group activity types together Additional redesign...

October Product Update

Feature and design updates to Athlete Profiles, Bulk Updates, Questionnaires and More! ROSTER GRID & FILTERS ⚽️ Quickly make edits and fill-in blanks directly from your roster grid ​ ​ Ability to filter, ‘Evaluated by’, allowing you to create auto groups based on who on your coaching staff has evaluated student-athletes Scroll bar added for...